Eme An.の自由な表現で描かれた、 高級で贅沢なグッズや原画をお楽しみください!

Eme An.




持病が原因の二回目の入院生活で、絵本を書いてみようかな、と思いSanaberry というアーティスト名で退院後も、Sanaちゃん、ベリーちゃんというかわいらしいキャラクターはじめ、さまざまな画材で絵を描くようになったのがきっかけでした。

1,2年後、アーティスト名を変えてAmu Momenzというアーティスト名でさらにクリエイティブに勤しみ、絵の楽しみを体中で実感しながら、自ら個展をできる場所を探し、初の個展をBIGHOP印西で開催しました。



3回目の退院後には、表参道のカフェバーblue ribbon tokyo様ご協力のもとで二回目の単独個展を開催。


Eme An.ワールド全開の絵画を沢山、見に来てくださったお客様、友人たちとも楽しんでいただき和気あいあいとした雰囲気でした。




どうぞ、今後ともEme An.の活動を応援、フォロー、よろしくお願いします。




恵泉女学園大学人文学部文化学科 宗教学専攻 笹尾典代教授ゼミ





整体 裕楽さんのショップロゴを担当



BIGHOP印西でAmu Momenz名義で初の単独個展
アーティスト名Eme An.に変更し活動開始
ストリートピアノを弾きまわったり、Youtube えめあん。でバラエティ活動も行う。
マネージャーとしてアーティストさんの専属ヘアメイク、メイクアップ 兼専属カメラマンをし、モデルさんはTOKTO GIRLS COLLECTIONの最終選考に選ばれる
表参道 Blue Ribon Tokyo にて二回目の単独個展開催
シンガーソングライター あかしさん

Drug and Drop CDジャケット担当


About me

 I love the mysterious world.

I enjoy expressing the various worlds that come into view when I sharpen my five senses, and the feelings and sensitivities that arise from them in a different style each time I paint, pursuing color, pattern, and originality.

I started painting about 6 years ago.

After my second hospitalization due to a chronic illness, I decided to write a picture book under the artist name "Sanaberry" and started drawing pictures with various drawing materials, including cute characters named Sana-chan and Berry-chan, even after leaving the hospital.

A year or two later, I changed my artist name to Amu Momenz and became even more creative, and while experiencing the joy of painting, I looked for a place to hold my own solo exhibition and held my first solo exhibition at BIGHOP Inzai.

The two-week exhibition was a great success, thanks to Mirai Support, my family, and many friends who came from far away.

After that, he was hospitalized for the third and fourth time.

After my third hospitalization,I held my second solo exhibition with the cooperation of blue ribbon tokyo, a cafe bar in Omotesando.

In the bar, in the screen and audio , I played my own piano and synthesizer music and displayed the image of a CD jacket on a monitor.

The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed, with many paintings by Eme An. world in full bloom, and the customers and friends who came to see them enjoying them.

It was a precious experience that was made possible only because it was a solo exhibition at a café-bar.

After my fourth long-term hospitalization, I actually just started my first real training in painting from May to September 2024, by learning from a Tokyo University of the Arts graduate student, other designers, and people in the advertising industry.

Since my professional technical learning period is still young, I am currently focusing on improving my technical skills.

Please continue to support and follow Eme An.

She is active on instagram, podcast, and notebook.


Graduated from Toin Gakuen High School

Professor Noriyo Sasao's seminar in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Keisen University

Joined the family the year after graduation following the Tohoku earthquake.

While working as a housewife, started a business called Oishii Kurashi (Delicious Life) and began freelance work as a writer and photographer

After meeting Mirai Career, received support and guidance in design and painting.

Selected as a finalist in the Orange Ribbon poster contest, my  first challenge to the public.

Took charge of the store logo for Seitai Yuraku

Worked on the cover of a corporate event festival at the headquarters of the General Federation of Trade Unions

Sold original goods at Ikebukuro Art Gathering store

First solo exhibition under the name Amu Momenz at BIGHOP Inzai


Changed artist name to Eme An.

Started playing the piano on the street and doing variety activities on Youtube "Eme An. Also, she does variety of activities on Youtube "Eme An.

As a manager, she works as an exclusive hair and make-up artist and exclusive photographer, and her models are selected as finalists for the TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION.

I did the profile photo shoot that led to the model's debut on the runway.

Held her second solo exhibition at Blue Ribon Tokyo in Omotesando, Tokyo.

Customers purchase his most expensive paintings.

Opened an online store after receiving more orders for T-shirts, hoodies, and phone cases from customers.

Singer/songwriter Akashi

Drug and Drop CD jacket designer

(Currently learning various fields from professionals at B type WAHAHA)


※Guidance on tariffs
If you purchase Japanese products from overseas, customs duty may be incurred. In that case, please note that any customs duties incurred will be borne by the purchaser.
